Greta garbo quotes biography

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    Greta Garbo

    Greta Garbo (18 September1905 – 15 April1990), born Greta Lovisa Gustafsson, was a Swedish born actress and Hollywood icon.


    • I never said, "I want to be alone." I only said, "I want to be let alone! There is all the difference.
      • Quoted in John Bainbridge, Garbo (Doubleday, 1955) and "To Be Herself", Life (January 24, 1955; Vol.

        38, No. 4), p. 113; as the Russian ballerina Grusinskaya to Baron Felix von Gaigern in Grand Hotel (1932), Garbo had said "I want to be alone." These words had become associated with Garbo herself in the public imagination.

    • I am bewildered by the thousands of strange people who write me letters.

      Greta garbo quotes biography

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    • They do not know me. Why do they do that?

      • Screen Secrets: Greta Garbo Breaks her Silence (1928)


    • I t'ank I go home.
      • Allegedly said on a movie set, after a director had filmed repeated takes of Garbo jumping into icy cold water, and wanted to film yet another take.

        Reported Paul F. Boller, John