Biography about richard feynman

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    About Richard Feynman: Biography

    Richard Phillips Feynman was born in New York City in 1918 and grew up in Far Rockaway, Queens.

    Biography about richard feynman books

    He attended the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as an undergraduate, and he received his Ph.D. from Princeton University. In 1942 he married his high school sweetheart, Arline Greenbaum, despite the fact that she was ill with tuberculosis.

    That same year Richard was asked to join the Manhattan Project; he accepted and went on to become a group leader at Los Alamos, New Mexico. Arline died in 1945. After the war, he became a professor of theoretical physics at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.

    In 1950 he joined the faculty of the California Institute of Technology and spent the remainder of his career there.

    Biography about richard feynman

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  • He had a brief marriage in the early fifties to Mary Louise Bell that did not work out. He married Gweneth Howarth in 1960. Their son Carl was born in 1962, and their daughter Michelle was born in 1968.

    Many consider him to be the fathe