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A Proof of the Riemann Hypothesis
Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences and Applications ISSN: 2278-9634, Vol. 6, pp 1-5 doi:10.18052/www.scipress.com/BMSA.6.1 2013 SciPress Ltd, Switzerland Online: 2013-11-04 A PROOF OF THE RIEMANN HYPOTHESIS Jamel Ghanouchi RIME department of Mathematics Abstract In this paper, we present the Riemann problem and define the real primes.
It allows to generalize the Riemann hypothesis to the reals. A calculus of integral solves the problem.
Opeyemi enoch riemann integral
We generalize the proof to the integers. The Riemann hypothesis RE TR A CT ED The Riemann conjecture is a conjecture which has been formulated in 1859 by Bernard Riemann in the subjet of the Riemann funtion zeta or . It is called the zeta Riemann function.
This function is defined as follows The first result is the divergence of the harmonic serie It has been proved in the middle age by Nicole Oresme. In the XVIII century, Leonard Euler has discovered the main proprieties of the function.
In the 1730’s he conject