Licensed to lie powell review

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  • Licensed to lie powell review

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  • Licensed to lie review.

    Licensed to Lie

    Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice

    Sidney Powell
    Brown Books (May 1, 2014)
    Hardcover$28.95 (456pp)

    Powell has done the law and every citizen a great favor by calling out an unholy practice of government attorneys.

    Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice, by defense attorney Sidney Powell, is a lurid tale of deceit and amoral behavior on the part of government prosecutors.

    It is so well written and researched that the story makes for a stunning read.

    Powell is an experienced trial and appellate court attorney. She has an ability to make complex legal and related factual issues clear to the most casual reader and has applied these skills to revealing the practice of US attorneys deliberately suppressing evidence that reflects the innocence of a defendant.

    This practice is rampant, Powell argues, despite the prosecutors’ constitutional duty to disclose such evidence. As examples of the havoc this prac