Asghar ali engineer biography example
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Asghar Ali Engineer
Scholar with a mission
Asghar Ali Engineer
Asghar Ali Engineer was born in Bohra priestly family (amil's family) on 10th March, 1939 in Salumbar, Rajasthan (near Udaipur) where Sheikh Qurban Husain, his father, was an amil at that time.
Asghar Ali was given training in Qur'anic tafsir(commentry), Tawil (hidden meaning of Qur'an) fiqh (jurisprudence) and hadith (Prophet's sayings).
Asghar ali engineer biography example
He learnt the Arabic language from his father and further developed it himself. He has studied all the major works of Fatimi Da'wah by Sayedna Hatim, Sayedna Qadi Nu'man, Sayedna Muayyad Shirazi, Sayedna Hamiduddin Kirmani, Sayedna Hatim al-Razi, Sayedna Jafar Mansur al-Yaman and several others.
Engineer also acquired secular education besides religious one. He graduated in civil engineering from Indore (M.P.) with distinction and served for 20 years as an engineer in Bombay Municipal Corporation and then took voluntary retirement to plunge himself into the Bohra refor